Becoming a Mason

Joining a Masonic Lodge is an opportunity for qualified men to become members of the world’s oldest, largest, and best known fraternal organization. The process of becoming a member is divided into stages marked by three separate ceremonies, the symbolism of which is intended to strengthen a man’s commitment to his Faith, his family, and his community

Master Masons are men from a variety of ethnic, religious, and economic backgrounds who share a belief in the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God, work to improve themselves and their communities, and are an asset to all who know them. Membership in a Masonic Lodge is an honor that says a great deal about the character and personal integrity of a man.

Men like George Washington, William McKinley, Dave Thomas, and Michael Richards (Kramer from Seinfeld) have all 
been Masons. Perhaps someone you’ve known and admired was a Mason…maybe even your father or grandfather.

General Instructions for Joining

Is it your desire to join the ranks of men, both great and small, who are proud to share in the Masonic tradition of excellence?

If you do desire to join a Masonic Lodge and share in the fraternal fellowship that abounds there, contact the secretary of the Lodge or any Master Mason for information and an application.

Click here to learn more about joining a lodge in our district.

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